Strings of Sorrow Followed by Rhythms of Grace

Over the years, I have noticed that in the hardest seasons I’ve faced, there has been a deep understanding of the power that having a heart of worship plays in finding the strength to keep going. There have been times where the words were just words, but I would sing them again and again until they took root within. I believe this is often an essential key to overcoming and has often been my advice to others when there were no words I could use to bring comfort.
First Steps

One of the greatest accomplishments made in life is that of taking the first step. Parents cheer watching their baby taking its wobbly first steps forward. We celebrate the first step of sobriety, forgiveness, the change of a career, a degree, the list goes on. One of the greatest steps taken is along the journey to healing. This step can change the course of one’s life from victim to victor, from oppressed to overcomer.
The Power of a Care Package

When our team receives a Friends of Bethany Care Package request, we do everything within our power to have a quick turnaround because we know how vital it is in the midst of a traumatic limb loss to have a support system.
Don’t Let Your Heart Become Tarnished

April is Limb Loss Awareness Month! Based on a recent study, there are more than 5.6 million people living with limb loss and limb difference in the United States. Of that ~5.6 million, there are ~2.3 million people with limb loss and ~3.4 million people who were born with their limb difference. And every year, […]
Eternal Hope – An Easter Message

Oh the Wonderful cross — the cost that was paid, and the hope it brings. I was forever changed when I lost my sister at Easter. The morning she passed, I was getting ready to go to the hospital, and as I reflected on the cross that morning, God prepared me for what was about […]
God Is Still Near

One of my most fond Christmas memories isn’t with extravagant gifts, or where everything looked like a Hallmark movie. Christmas in our home growing up was very simple. My mom was a single mom of five kids, and money was always tight. My father did not contribute to the financial side of things because his […]
“But God”

Celebrating 10 years of retreats has brought me on a journey of all that the Lord has done in that time and even before it all started. I remember many years ago laying in a hospital bed with a broken neck and back and truly feeling life as I knew it was over. It was […]
A Look Back at Our 2023 October Retreats

Coming away from our Del Mar retreats this past October, I cannot help but be grateful for all God has done in the 10 years of retreats. For our 2023 Beautifully Flawed and Forge retreats, we witnessed a total of 30 young women and men with limb difference come from all across the country and God do the impossible! […]
Small Things with Great Love – Our 2023 Fall Giving Campaign

One of my most fond Christmas memories isn’t with extravagant gifts, or where everything looked like a Hallmark movie. Christmas in our home growing up was very simple. My mom was a single mom of five kids, and money was always tight.
Something Beautiful Always Comes – Our New Jewelry Collection with Mae Cargo

One of my most fond Christmas memories isn’t with extravagant gifts, or where everything looked like a Hallmark movie. Christmas in our home growing up was very simple. My mom was a single mom of five kids, and money was always tight.