There is something to be said about watching the tide as it rolls in, and then returns to the sea. If you watch long enough you realize that it is always changing as it inches its way either closer or further from the shore, no two waves wash up the same. There’s something about a rolling sea that brings a calm, it’s a place where you can take in the fresh air and enjoy the simplicity of what is. I often have wondered what if we took on change as gracefully as the sea, not fighting against the grain, just going with the flow and how that might affect our peace?
A Wave of Change
In January Beautifully Flawed found itself in a season of rolling changes. Those changes were great for our amazing team, one graduating with her Master’s in counseling, another transitioning into a new role within the organization and the other, newly engaged with a wedding quickly approaching. I remember one evening as I sat watching the ocean while praying for all the things needing to be done and already spread thin, I vowed to take all those worries and trust God, who has been so gracious with the organization over the years. I trusted Him with those who He would raise up to help in all the spaces needing to be filed, and until that happened, I would do what I could and trust the rest would happen as it should. This meant a delay on some items I am still trying to get done, but a choice to walk in peace in the meantime.
I remember meeting Amber Berger back in November who made an impression on me immediately. There was something about her “go get it,” attitude and personality. I remember thinking how she’d be great to have on our team. Although she lived in Texas and had never worked in the nonprofit world, I saw her level of communication and drive and knew she would be a good fit for our team. I shared that I did not have a job opening at the time, but if in the future she was looking, I asked her to think of me. Well, within a few days of telling God I would trust Him, I received a text from Amber, mentioning she was interested in working for the Beautifully Flawed Foundation.
Amber officially joined our team in February, but it wasn’t until May that she was ably to fully step into the role of Development Director. As we talked and I shared about the needs we have, she realized this was uncharted territory for her, but was ready to take on the challenge. Her first big interaction was attending the Kauai Beautifully Flawed Retreat in May. Coming away from the retreat I asked Amber some questions in hopes you all could get to know her a little more:

What was the retreat experience like for you?
It has been a long time since I was a part of something that moved me in the way the retreat did. I was not too sure what to expect, but it was a long and exciting experience. The adventures were fun, the food was great, the views were gorgeous but I think witnessing all the laughter and tears was my favorite part. Seeing all the smiles and hugs over the week really showed me how strong the community is and how special this foundation really is.

What was one thing or person that has forever impacted you from the retreat?
Every person I met during the retreat has impacted me in some way shape or form but the true takeaway for me was you, Sarah. Not just at the retreat but in every aspect of life I have been lucky enough to experience with you, you hold yourself with such grace and share the gifts that God has blessed you with to everyone. You are kind, compassionate, knowledgeable, hardworking, and in the short amount of time I have worked with you, I have learned more from you than you’ll ever know.
At my first retreat I decided to be more of an observer and in doing that I got to witness a lot of special moments. When the attendees arrived at the retreat watching them get off the vans and light up when they saw you was one of the more special moments for me. I think standing there experiencing that was when I truly realized I was part of something wonderful. Truly grateful for this opportunity and all the exciting things to come.” (She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25)

As you become more familiar with the limb difference community, what are some things that have inspired you?
From everyone I have met in the limb difference community either at a retreat, virtually or in my day to day life, there is something very unique about each individual. Not a single person that I have met has used their difference as an excuse and it has shown me that I am as well capable of so many more things than I give myself credit for. I feel like I have become more understanding and aware of my surroundings and appreciate the little things a lot more.

As someone who helps keep our mission alive, how are some ways others can partner with us to raise funds and help the organization grow?
The possibilities are endless! It can be as simple as sharing photos, blogs and personal experiences on social media about the foundation. If there is a company that you love who you think would be a good addition to a retreat you can send me their information and I will reach out to see if they’d like to sponsor or donate products. If you own a company and are looking for ways to give back I would love to discuss corporate sponsorships with you. Wanting to put on a fundraiser, I’d love to set up a time to chat and hear your ideas? Want to help an attendee make going to a retreat possible, we are always looking for scholarship donors before our retreats. Found $5.00 on the ground, make a quick and simple donation. Looking to volunteer, contact us anytime to see what opportunities we may have.
How can someone get a hold of you to find out ways they can get involved?
Email me at amber@beautifullyflawedfoundation.com, text, direct message, phone call, carrier pigeon. I am readily available and quick to respond. I love to talk about ideas and chit chat about anything and everything, so please reach out anytime!
I am so blessed to be involved in the organization and have the ability to help make these things possible! I’ve waited a long time to finally do something with purpose and the meaning behind all that we do is all the why that I need.

Born and raised in California, a now Texan for the past two years, Amber enjoys time with her boyfriend, his daughter and two dogs. She is eager to help the organization grow, and we are so thankful that God has brought us another treasure to partner with in the incredible work we are doing as an organization. She brings incredible insight and drive and we are so excited to have her as a part of the team.
Sarah Hill
Executive Director
Beautifully Flawed Foundation
Mahalo to our 2023 Kauai Retreat Sponsors!

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Make Incredible Things Happen
Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.