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Eternal Hope – An Easter Message

Oh the Wonderful cross — the cost that was paid, and the hope it brings.

I was forever changed when I lost my sister at Easter. The morning she passed, I was getting ready to go to the hospital, and as I reflected on the cross that morning, God prepared me for what was about to come through a whisper, “The comfort of the cross brings peace to the sting of death.”

Within 30 minutes of that whisper, my phone rang with the news that I needed to call and prepare the family… my sister was close to the end. I had spent the weeks prior to that moment with her everyday, all day, cheering her on, thinking we’d beat this together.

In reality, it was God’s gift to me, those hours spent talking, reflecting, reading the Word, and holding hands. It was a gift of time that prepared my soul for our earthly goodbye. A goodbye that would be temporary, because of the cross. Jesus made a way and although gone from this earth, my sweet sister was dancing in the arms of God.

I wouldn’t want to know life without eternal hope. It has brought so much to me and is where I run again and again when this life’s disappointments seem too much to bear. I have life because grace forever changed me. May you find such hope as you reflect this Easter. Soak in every moment with the ones you love. Treasure the hope we have to look forward to with thankfulness for the price that was paid. God saw each of us worthy of the sacrifice — that is truly Amazing grace. Happy Easter to each of you!


Sarah Hill
Executive Director
Beautifully Flawed Foundation

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