After postponing our annual retreat last year due to COVID-19, we pulled out all the stops for our first retreat of 2021 and were even able to host it on our home island of Kauai, Hawaii! Designed for young women ages 14-25 who face limb difference, our Beautifully Flawed Retreat is a place of healing, rehabilitation, community, and healthy living. We bring together girls who have experienced trauma to let them know that they are not alone, and that God loves them and sees their beauty. Watch the retreat recap: 

After overcoming the tumultuous 2020, we knew going into the retreat that our theme would be resilience. With some of our attendees having faced their limb loss in the midst of COVID-19, they were asked to not only face the trauma of losing a limb, but to do it in the pandemic era of limited personal interaction and even less resources than usual for amputees. It was their resilience that had them allowed to pass through something tragic, and yet still seek out forward momentum and the pursuit of growth in the form of our retreat.

And once we were actually able to gather in person, the theme of resilience rang true with every challenge our attendees faced. They showed no fear, hesitation, or even an ounce of self consciousness when they were taught to how to hula. They excitedly charged into the ocean to go canoe surfing. They all plunged into icy cold tub for a rejuvenating ice bath. They pushed themselves to their limits and challenged each other in the workouts. They crafted beautiful lei p’os (flower crowns) with the intention of self love. And of course, they charged into waves and learned how to surf.

It was a fully intimate experience on the “Garden Island” — and a true joy for us to watch these ladies come out of their shell, form bonds that could only come from shared experience, and not only be proud of, but feel beautiful in their differences. In her large group talk, it was Junior Leader Irina Bird who might have summed it up best:

“Resilience is being:


With the success of this retreat under our belts, we carry that excitement and momentum into our October events: our second Beautifully Flawed Retreat and the Forge Retreat for young men with limb difference. Not only is this our first year to host THREE retreats in one year, this will be just our second Forge retreat AND the first time we will host two separate retreats at once. We’ve already seen our community mobilize their support like never before, but we still have so much to do and achieve before we welcome our attendees in October.

These retreats are life-changing for young men and women with limb difference. We’ve heard it from our attendees time and time again. Beyond the emotional healing and physical adaptations, these retreats helps our attendees learn how to use what God has put in their lives for a greater purpose. If you’d like to support these upcoming retreats, you can check out our current opportunities here, or make a tax-deductible donation. Without the support of our community, our retreats like this one wouldn’t be possible. Mahalo for being a part of our incredible community of movers and shakers!

Want to see more of our Beautifully Flawed Retreat on Kauai? Check out our retreat photo gallery here or relive all the action on social media here.

Make Incredible Things Happen

Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.