The Tides Are Changing – A Message from Sarah Hill

As a surfer, I get excited to paddle out just before the tides change, eager for the sets to roll in with a more consistent pace. You might begin your session paddling for a wave here or there, but then the excitement hits a peak when you see the first good size wave roll through. For me, I paddle into the lineup with excitement, because it’s about to get good.

Over the past few years, we have been in a season where the tides are changing here at Friends of Bethany. A crossroads, if you will, where we have been pleased with the programs we’ve had in place, and yet there has been an eagerness for what could be on the horizon. I say a crossroads because there’s a comfort in the familiar, and yet a stirring to step outside of what is comfortable and familiar, and into what could be.

Friends of Bethany was first coined weeks after Bethany Hamilton had lost her arm to a shark while out surfing. The community of Kauai came together and hosted a fundraiser to help cover the medical costs for Bethany’s family. After the bills were paid, there was some money left over. Bethany’s dad, Tom, talked to their family  about using those funds to help bring hope to others. In 2007 Friends of Bethany was established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

We started off with a simple program of sending care packages to those who faced a shark attack or traumatic amputation. We soon began seeing a greater need from people all over the country, even around the world. Revisiting the mission statement, our Board of Directors’ desire was to expand our reach to those facing limb difference, along with reaching young people with a message of hope through Christ.

The new mission birthed forth new programs, and we began to see just how contagious hope could be. Through our retreats, youth conferences, and care package programs, we have seen many lives changed, along with many of our retreat attendees finding a platform to use their stories, like Bethany, to inspire others. In 2020 we expanded even more with our first retreat for men facing a limb difference.

On The Horizon

In the growth of our organization, we began to sense a changing of the tides, and a passion to widen the platform for others to shine their stories of hope and impact the world around them. It soon became apparent that the next step was to change our name, which would take the focus off of Bethany and create opportunity to partner with and highlight the many incredible people we connect to. Now known as The Beautifully Flawed Foundation, we will continue our focus to offer hope to those impacted by the brokenness of this world; hope to overcome through Christ. The name, “Beautifully Flawed” came from the concept that no matter what flaws we have, God loves us, and has a plan for our life that far outweighs our scars. We believe God can use the pains and trials we face in life for a greater purpose, and we want to create opportunities for others to embrace that truth for themselves.

Our team has spent the last year praying through this change, ensuring that it embodies our core values, and will create opportunities to grow and highlight many of the incredible young men and women we get to meet each year. Please take a moment to watch the video below as Bethany and Adam share their heart for The Beautifully Flawed Foundation.


Sarah Hill
Executive Director
The Beautifully Flawed Foundation

Make Incredible Things Happen

Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.