The Giver – A Story about Giving from Sarah Hill

Once, while I was serving with students in Mexico, we came across an orphanage where the needs were great. I had planned out the trip in advance, and this particular orphanage was not on the list, so our funds were allocated to the things we had pre-planned to help with. Since I am often in Mexico, I have made some friends who live there and know the causes near and dear to my heart. They were the ones who had discovered this orphanage and knew I would want to see this place they had just learned about. I have always had a heart to go where the needs are, so they invited me to bring the group there. I was not prepared for what we were about to see. The kids were hungry, thirsty, sick, filthy, and there was only one toilet to service a hundred kids. The conditions were heartbreaking to see.

Later that evening I gathered with my group of students to share about the needs the orphanage had and the very limited funds to meet the basic needs of the orphanage. I placed a box on the table and shared that if any of the kids wanted to donate towards the list, they could put their donation in the box. After the meeting I had one girl come up to me and share that she wanted to give money, but only had $20 left for her own food for the rest of the trip. I could see her struggle. I told her that she should pray, and do what she felt she should after that. I reminded her that God will always take care of our needs, even when it seems impossible to us. The next morning, we took the box of money to Costco, and were able to buy 11 grocery carts full of food, diapers, medicine, and other basic needs. I loved seeing the kids push those items through the checkout with so much pride. And when they were unloading the vans that day at the orphanage, they truly gleaned with joy. There is something so powerful and beautiful about giving to others.

Later that night I was having a time of reflection with the students and a journal dropped to the floor, out of it fell a fifty dollar bill and a twenty dollar bill. The very student who struggled with the question of whether she should give her money or not, looked at me and began crying. It was her journal that fell, and I knew then that she had chosen to give all she had to the orphanage. It was an incredible teaching point, one that will stick with her the rest of her life.

The giver does not worry about the quantity of the thing given, but the quality of that which the investment has. Every one of us has the opportunity to become a world changer, even if that means we are changing the world for just one person. I often believe that the one giving, is always the one receiving the greater gift. In this season, I know we often find ourselves stretched in ways maybe we have never faced before. Giving might feel like it comes at a greater cost, and for some it does. I want to remind you that there is a God who is able to supply for all of our needs, and sometimes He is waiting for us to have the faith to believe that He can do it! That is where we are today at Friends of Bethany.


We feel called to move forward with our 2020 Beautifully Flawed Retreat. A step of faith for sure, but many of the attendees we have just accepted, have faced their limb loss during this pandemic. Because of COVID-19 and the lockdowns, they have not received the services and support so many would get in a normal season. We feel it important to be that support for them, and trust God will supply for us to do this!

Our team has put together a special giving platform which enables you to see our needs for this year’s retreat, and to choose where you feel lead to give. If you are interested in considering a corporate sponsorship, those are also listed on our website here.

Any amount helps, because when we come together as a community, we can make incredible things happen. Please make sure to check out how you can get involved, and prayerfully consider helping change the world for these attendees!


Sarah Hill
Executive Director
Friends of Bethany

Make Incredible Things Happen

Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.