“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
-William Arthur Ward
Friends of Bethany would like to wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! We are so very grateful to each of you for all of your love, support, and care over the years. There is no way we could do all that we do without each of you! I know that can sound cliché because it’s what we say this time of year, however, I have spent much of this year reflecting on years past and how far we have come. In doing that, it has kept me encouraged, and has helped me shape a fresh vision for the near future.
As Halloween came, I remembered the gloomy morning of Bethany losing her arm all those years ago, and the bone-chilling feeling that came over me as I questioned what good would come of this. As her youth leader, what words would I say? How in the world would I comfort her? I remember Noah, Bethany’s brother, sick with his head out the window as I raced the two of us to the hospital, praying and asking God for the words to say in that moment. God brought to my remembrance a verse in the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans of good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Immediately I told Noah, “I think God just spoke to me!” As I shared those words, we quickly knew that God still had his hand over all of us, even in a time that seemed so dark. He had a plan even in what felt overwhelming.

Through the foundation, we are able to speak that message of truth over others who find themselves in a dark place. I have walked all these years with the Hamilton’s family and FOBH. We have seen God bring so much purpose to those moments we felt were impossible, bringing us to endless possibilities. This has taken place through platforms I personally could not have imagined, such as with our first ever men’s retreat, The Forge, back in January. We are a small non-profit that could not do all that we do without others seeing our vision and helping us bring it to fruition. So, when I say I am personally thankful for you all, I mean it from the depths of my heart!
I want to close with a final thought of encouragement for all of you no matter where you find yourself this holiday season: There is hope, we are never without hope! God is working even in the hardest of moments, days, and years. He does not waste our pain. Instead, He brings it purpose if we are willing to let Him. This truth I found lying in a hospital bed many years ago with a broken neck and back, and a shattered dream of college water polo. As I laid in that hospital bed, I remember myself asking God to take all I went through and bring it purpose. Part of that purpose would be him leading me to Kauai, working with youth, having a young girl come to my youth group, and finding a trusted friend to walk through losing her arm with. That is how God works! He takes our broken stories and uses them to help others in their time of need. We will all find fruit in this difficult year. We will find purpose. And a voice to say, “It is well with my soul.”
As we wrap up 2020, we are eager to see the new that comes in 2021. We are excited to be expanding and hosting three retreats, along with many other new things to come! I ask if you are looking to make a tax-deductible donation this year, that you consider Friends of Bethany. We have a giving campaign we will be running throughout December which will be highlighted on our website. There you will find several easy ways to give, on a variety of platforms. Thank you again for being a part of our journey!
Sarah Hill
Executive Director
Friends of Bethany
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Make Incredible Things Happen
Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.
Mahalo to Our Sponsors
Thank you to the following corporate sponsors who have already made direct contributions towards our upcoming retreat! We couldn’t do this without the support of:
- Certified Brands Group
- Cobian
- Dukes
- Fjallraven Kanken
- Mae Cargo Jewelry
- Pain Free Kauai
- Primal Kitchen
- Rank Up Academy
- RX Smart Gear
- San Diego Picnic
- Feast on This
- Hakus and Love
- Health Ade
- Hoa Kai
- LinkSoul
- Love Handle
- Now Foods
- Point One Vision
- Rustico
- Blender Bombs
- Crossway
- Gnarly Nutrition
- Greenhouse Foods
- Greyston Bakery
- Kokua Suncare
- Mo’s Dough
- Nooty
- PalmDream
- Paper Sunday
- Surfwater
- Palmdream
- Ponyback