Beauty can come even from the hardest places, and with it comes resilience and purpose. Our Beautifully Flawed Retreat for young women who have experienced traumatic limb loss is particularly special to us because we believe when pain finds its purpose, it also finds a voice to inspire!

Our 2020 Beautifully Flawed Retreat will be October 4th – 8th in Del Mar, California. The application deadline has been extended to June 1st, and applicants will hear back on June 15th. If you or someone you know is a young woman between the ages of 14 to 25 who faces limb difference, apply here!

Take a look back at some of our previous attendees and how this retreat has impacted them:

Ashley Jones – 2017, 2018, 2019 attendee

“The Beautifully Flawed retreat has completely changed my life! From attending my first retreat, only 4 months after my accident, I was completely clueless and overwhelmed with all the mundane tasks I had not yet learned. Beautifully Flawed gave me a family that treated me like a sister and a daughter as all the leaders, speakers, and attendees took me under their wings and showed me that this new life of mine was not only going to be doable, but it was going to be extravagant. From Beautifully Flawed I was given a new confident to work my hardest to show the world what amputees are capable of. Since my first year at Beautifully Flawed in 2016, on an abled-body stage, I have won a Colorado state championship in track, placed 8th in the nation on my high school cross country team, and am committed to run at the Division 1 level starting in the fall. I have also competed in two paratriathlons, one being the 2019 Toyota National Championships where I placed 2nd in the nation in my category. I am determined to not only show my strength, which I find in Christ, through athletics, but also through words. I have spoken to various groups of girls in elementary school telling of the unashamed beauty I find in my difference, to coaching forums about athletic determination, and multiple chapels reiterate the miraculous and creative work God is doing in my life and in my soul.” -Ashley Jones

Rachel Schneemann – 20015 attendee

“One of the most impactful parts of the Friends of Bethany Hamilton Foundation Beautifully Flawed Retreat was surfing. Not because it was fun and exciting (I mean, it definitely was those things), but because it caused me to confront memories and face fears that I had held onto for so long. Going back into the water and taking the risk of falling was not easy for the girl whose leg is gone because of complications from jumping into a body of water, but the joy and the lessons learned were worth it in the end.” -Rachel Schneemann

Kali Garmin – 2019 attendee

“Since the retreat, I have felt more confident about sharing the story of how God has worked in my life, and I feel more equipped to help others see how they can use their stories to change the world around them, too. Back home, I am doing my best to show the people around me His love, and encourage others to seek comfort in Christ when they feel lost.” -Kali Garmin

Cathy Castillo – 2016, 2017 attendee

“Beautifully Flawed was an extremely impactful retreat for me. 2016 was my first year attending and I was blown away with what the Friends of Bethany foundation did for us! I lost my hand 2 years prior in a car accident, and for the first time I was able to share what really happened to me. I came to the retreat with an accepting attitude about my hand, but also carrying a lot of shame. I’m proud to share that a week with the ladies set me completely free from that! I was also so inspired and moved from hearing all the girls stories of how they lost their limb. Since attending the retreat I’ve excelled in multiple areas of my life and mentally am a lot stronger. So thankful I went to this retreat, it changed my life!“ -Cathy Castillo

Hillary Kelley – 2019 attendee

“Beautifully Flawed was such an amazing experience, I learned so much. I learned it’s important to take care of your mental health and to not jump right into “saving others.” That it’s okay to grieve and have your days. I also gained life long friendships. BEST experience ever!” –Hillary Kelly

Kari Disney – 2013 attendee, retreat leader

“I now can go through life and be encouraged by so many amazing girls who experience limb loss and who have a desire and passion for the Lord. It has helped me to know that I am not alone in my struggles, to acknowledge/accept them, and to work through them. It is such a blessing to have girls to relate to and who know what you are really going through. The retreat has greatly helped me grow in my faith each year. I gave my life to Jesus and developed a personal relationship about 1.5 years prior to the first retreat. The retreat has helped me deepen my faith and provide a community of believers that have helped mentor and encourage me. I love our community and the lifelong friendships I have developed. I also love the follow up and encouragement from the girls and the FOB team.” -Kari Disney

Addie Schiemann – 20018, 2019 attendee

“The Beautifully Flawed Retreat has impacted me in soooo many ways. I came to the retreat in 2018 just a year after I lost my arm so nervous and not knowing what to expect. The girls were so welcoming and understanding, it was amazing. The retreat was the first time I openly shared my story with a large group and it was so calming knowing that they understood and accepted me as I was. This retreat gave me a new perspective on life that I thought I would never have. I can go out in public not being ashamed of my scars because this retreat and all the girls have boosted my confidence so much. I have made connections with girls I know I will never lose! I love everyone from beautifully flawed and can’t thank them all enough for how much they have impacted my life.” -Addie Schiemann

Nicole Berthiaume – 20016 attendee

“The biggest thing I would have to take away from the Beautifully Flawed retreat is the relationships you build with all of these girls. Until this time I had never even met another female amputee, so it’s just amazing to have the opportunity to meet so many incredible women who are just like me in so many different ways. It’s really awesome.” -Nicole Berthiaume

Laura Mullen – 2019 attendee

“Attending the Beautifully Flawed retreat in 2019 has changed my life forever. Prior to the retreat, I was in a dark place but during the retreat, I made friends for life, was challenged in Christ and physically. Since returning back to my daily routine of life I’ve noticed that I’m more equipped to deal and recognize myself going down paths that are not healthy… and with tools learned and provided from Beautifully Flawed and the support system I now have, I am able to work through things and heal. I’ve also become more physically active and eat so much healthier. Every aspect of the retreat was amazing and my life has been transformed because of it!” -Laura Mullen

Carley Cottingham – 2013 attendee, retreat leader

“Each one of these girls has an amazing story of their own. I am forever encouraged, inspired and changed by these sweet girls. When I am surrounded by them I am reminded that I am not the only one living with limb loss and that I am more than a number. More than a statistic. Even though most people see the loss of limb loss, I see a new beginning. A second chance. A new normal.” -Carley Cottingham

Make Incredible Things Happen

Help further our mission and programs that support young people living with limb difference or those who’ve experienced traumatic limb loss by making a tax-deductible donation.